A budgeting loan is an emergency loan that comes from the government via the Social Fund. It is arranged and managed by the Jobcentre Plus and it can be used for a number of different purposes. You will need to outline its use when you complete the application and the adjudicator will determine whether it really is a required use.
You can use the fund to pay for repairs to your home or to secure your home. You can also use it to pay for any expenses associated with finding and even starting a new job. If you, or your children, need new footwear or clothing then you can apply for a DWP budgeting loan too. Alternatively, it is possible to apply for the loan in a bid to help you meet the costs of moving.
Moving house is never a cheap option and even ignoring the costs of buying or letting the property you will need to consider other costs too. Happily, the budgeting loan can be used for this purpose. If you have already moved and had to borrow money to make the necessary payments you may still be able to receive the funds from a budgeting loan to help make the necessary repayments.