Many people apply for budgeting loans as a means to meet unexpected and often emergency expenses. The loan can be used for a huge variety of purposes including expenses for moving to a new home and this means that, if you have applied, then you are no doubt anxious to hear back. Fortunately, the Jobcentre Plus has given timeframes in which you should hear back and if you don’t you can contact them to enquire.
They say that every application will be answered within 9 working days of them having received your initial application. As such, after two weeks, you should have heard back by now. You can, by all means, contact the Jobcentre Plus to find out why you haven’t had a response but don’t assume that this means the response is bad news. You should hear back within this timeframe whether your application is successful or not.
There are certain times of year when more people apply for this type of loan and, if you too apply then, you will be more likely to experience a delay. If you submit your budgeting loan application during a quiet period then there is a good chance you will hear days before the two week deadline is up. If you haven’t heard back after two weeks then use the Jobcentre Plus budgeting loan contact number to call them.