A budgeting loan is an interest free loan that offers access to cash directly from the government funded Social Fund. It enables those on a low income to borrow money in order to pay for purchases of things like clothes, furniture, and even travel expenses to get to a new job. The form is usually available through your local Jobcentre Plus or you can find it here.
The Jobcentre Plus budgeting loan is offered by the Department for Work and Pensions via the Jobcentre Plus and this is where you should send your completed return. There is a central office that deals with applications which means that you can use your local office wherever you are located in the country.
To find the budgeting loan return address take a look in your local phone book under the business section. If you contacted the Jobcentre Plus to request your form then you can use the same address and your application will be forwarded on to the appropriate department.
These loans are a form of interest free loan from the Social Fund that are provided specifically to families and individuals that are on a low income and have been claiming certain benefits for 26 weeks or longer. Browse the rest of the site to find out more about the budget loan process.
Can i ask about my budget loan progress